Destination Wedding Photographer
Netherland & Italy

Roxy e Bart erano alla ricerca di un Destination Wedding Photographer per il loro grande giorno, alle porte di Amsterdam, Olanda.

Andiamo insieme a scoprire come è andato il loro matrimonio!

Take your time: Trash the Dress!

The portrait session is one of the scariest for the bride and groom, with someone feeling comfortable while other ones need more time.

As experienced wedding photographers, we are able to manage the various situations, anyway the most important thing is just one: The Calm.

If we have enough time, the results can be amazing, even because people can get used to our presence.

Destination Wedding Photographer Italia Olanda

The Destination Wedding Photographer usually spends at least 3 days in the Country he is visiting, in order to meet the bride and groom in the flesh and, why not, enjoy the time over there.

What you will see at the beginning of the photographic story below are just the photos taken after the wedding, "Trash the Dress". It is a portrait session the very next day of the wedding, in a location chose in agreement with the spouses. It could also be an idea for your wedding in Italy!

Orangerie Elswout: a beautiful Venue

At the gates of Amsterdam, in the village of Elswoutslaan, you can find the Orangerie Elswout; architecturally, the Orangerie corresponds to our Limonaia, and is characterized by the presence of large windows trough which the light radiates the entire area.

Roxy and Bart went for this beautiful Venue both for the Ceremony and the Dinner.

Lots of Destination Wedding Photographer managed to work in that enchantig Venue in the Netherlands, who knows, maybe one day we will shoot a wedding in a Lemonaia!

A Unique Drummer for the Party!

The party opened with the arrival of Roxy and Bart's friends and a very special cutting of the cake (see for yourself below!)

Later, Bart (whose musician skills we didn't know) took to the drums, and together with his group he made everyone dance!


Bride Shoes Jimmy Choo
Wedding Venue: Orangerie Elswout
Wedding Photographer: Krup Studio

The End

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